Earth Day Reflections

This past weekend we celebrated Earth Day – a day to recognize the beauty and value of our precious planet and the important responsibility we all have to be stewards of this incredible place we call home. As I think back on the day, I want to encourage all of you to take a moment and identify a way that you can make a difference in small, impactful ways, to help keep our planet healthy.


Sunset at our ranch.

  • Take a moment today ( and perhaps every day) to help preserve this beautiful earth we are privileged to live upon. We are commissioned to care for her.
  • Plant a flower, herb, or tree.
  • Pick up a piece of litter. ( and teach your kids not to litter).
  • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. If everyone in the US would do this, we would save 85 million gallons of water per day.
  • Shorten your shower by one minute.
  • Raise (or lower–depending on the season) the thermometer in your home by 1 degree.
  • We are planting a garden this week that we will reap delicious food from all summer long.
  • And a million other things. There are wonderful books written on simple but great ways that each of us can make a difference–one person, one act at a time.
Make a commitment today, and every day, to take good care of the space you inhabit on this earth. Together, we can ensure a beautiful future for generations to come.