Hummingbird – by Cathy Jameson

As I lay in the warmth of the morning sun, meditation of spirit filled my soul.

The brilliant, lyrical sounds of nature’s creatures filled the air with song.

Ever so close to my ear, a dominant whir made itself obvious.

My head I slightly turned to carefully observe the origin of this whir.

And to my surprise, a hummingbird within inches of my face stared into my eyes.

For the longest time, this magnificent presence of beauty hovered at my side communing with me.

And then, off my new friend flew—to a delicious gulp of flavored nectar.

After a while, still in a state of deep thought and reverie, I called for my new “spiritual” friend to return.

And, with my head laid back, eyes closed—the whir returned—and I now knew and recognized the familiar sound.

Oh, what a soul-piercing and spirit-filling reminder.

God says to call out His name and He will be there.

God is Spirit Divine. God is everywhere and in all things. When God hears one’s call, there is always a response.

Listen. The whir is but a prayer away. Open your ears—and your heart. The whir will become louder, closer. Turn toward the whir—God is looking you in the eye.