Journal For Your Goals

Writing your goals is the essential first step in accomplishing a goal. A goal is only a goal once it is written down. Unwritten, it is a thought, a wish, a “want to”. But once your write it down, your subconscious mind begins to see the goal as already being a reality. Create a journal of your goals. Write both long term and short term goals.

Long Term Goals: (3 Years or More)

Short Term Goals: (6 Months to 3 Years)

Now Goals: (3 to 6 Months)

Write your goals in the affirmative, as if they have already happened. Write in your journal every day and note the progress you are making or the challenges you are having and what you are doing to handle those challenges or obstacles.


Obstacles or barriers will present themselves. However, know that the achievements that seem to mean the most to any of us always seem to be the ones we have worked hardest to accomplish. Bear that truism in mind when you get weary and don’t think you can take the next step or the next challenge.

The first step to solving any problem or in handling an obstacle is to identify that obstacle. Once you do, you can begin the process of overcoming it.

List five things/weaknesses/personal obstacles that you need to work on the reach your goals.






Analyze the obstacles that you listed above. Do you find that many of the items blocking your way are, for the most part, your own learned perception of yourself, other people or your expectations? This kind of negative thinking can stifle creativity and make it difficult, if not impossible, to focus enough energy to solve upcoming problems. Switch your thinking from what you think exists to what could exist if you would get out of your own way.

Once you identify your obstacles, design a plan of action as to how you intend to overcome or eliminate them. You will be stronger on the other side.

Schedule “Thinking Time” And Plan for Your Success

Consider the following:

  1. Schedule pre-blocked, uninterrupted time away from the day-to-day activities of your office to think about and write your goals.
  1. Prepare for delays and challenges. Plan for interruptions and unexpected demands along the path. Schedule enough time to be able to deal with these without pouring undue stress on yourself.
  1. Develop a succinct plan of action mandated by time activation. Doing so will lead to success.
  1. When things don’t go as planned, stop. Evaluate what has been going well and continue do this. If things that are not going well, make the necessary adjustments and be flexible, but keep moving. Don’t give up.

”Never, never, never give up.”

—Winston Churchill

  1. Gather your team together when things have gone astray or when goals are not working as well as you would like. Rethink the goal, then the plan of action. Once adjustments have been made, pat everyone on the back for the things that have gone well, and encourage them with the new plan of action.
  1. Do not avoid discussions of the things that have not gone well, but do not dwell on them. This doesn’t mean that any one person has done something wrong. It means there is a glitch in your system. Remember. Most problems are system dysfunction, not a person’s deliberate decision to mess things up!
  1. Don’t share your goals with anyone who isn’t going to be supportive. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between real and unreal. Therefore, you must be careful to avoid negative self-talk or negative input from yourself and/or from other people.


There is no question: stepping out of your comfort zone, setting goals and working toward the accomplishment of those goals takes courage. This process requires that you be willing to take risk. However, know that risk is a two-sided coin. On one side is the chance that you might make (and probably will make) mistakes. You may face rejection. You may encounter disappointment. But, if you believe in a goal and have a strong desire to accomplish it, you will be able to turn over that coin. And on the other side is the ultimate success. Leaders are strong enough to face risk, and, in fact, encourage it. You are a leader. Challenge risk, and you become an even better leader.