Thoughts from WIN Wellness Conference

I just attended a weekend “college” in Dallas presented by Wellness International Network. This company has been supporting healthy lifestyles with excellent products and supplements for more than two decades now. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I used these products years ago and loved them – weight management, energy, carefully developed supplements that are the only supplements listed in the PDR (the physicians desk reference.) In the past few months, I’ve rediscovered their wonderful benefits.

This weekend was predominantly oriented toward physicians, dentists and other healthcare professionals. Needless to say, I learned a great deal, but I was particularly impacted by one of the physicians who gave the national statistics on obesity among adults and children.

With changes in healthcare, maybe America and Americans will decide that prevention is not only a better way to live—but less expensive than the treatment of the disease.

Let’s commit to being healthier: for ourselves, our children, and our mature parents. Eating right, moving, and supplements are key factors in the process of wellness. Make your own efforts to get and stay healthy for as long as you live.