Wellness Wednesday – 08/07/13

Alan Cohen posted the following quote from Tom Head in his recent post, “Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.”

Profoundly true. Wellness, to me, is a comprehensive approach to health: spirit, body, mind, relationships, financial security.

Aristotle spoke of the “balance of life.” He said that the balance is the equilibrium between love, work, worship and play. While none of us may ever be in perfect balance, striving for that balance will be a constructive path of effort for a lifetime.

If one ever feels “out of sync,” more than likely one of those four areas (love, work, worship or play) is not receiving the attention and focus it perhaps needs for balance to be possible. Being too intent on one of the four areas can cause the other three to be left empty or crying out for attention.

You have to learn to listen to your own self in order to recognize—honestly—where the imbalance may exist. Then, the next step (which is equally as difficult) is to take action to fill the voids that may exist.

Reread the quote at the beginning of this post and consider its meaning to you. Balance.

“Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope.”

P.S. I’ve lost 5 pounds so far on my personal transformation. I worked out only twice this week, but did much more walking than I normally do. I have taken my supplements faithfully and have slept pretty well. I have been studying leadership in preparation for a symposium I am teaching this week and have been particularly intellectually stimulated by my rereading of The Oz Principle. I’ve been with my team, clients, and family and have given and received lots of good love. It’s been a good week. And all of it—while joyful and natural—takes effort to make it happen.