Give Gifts

Throughout history, people have always given gifts. Kings have been given gifts and have given gifts to others. Gifts have been given by leaders of one country to the leaders of other countries as a token of esteem and of solidarity. Most countries have museums open to the public for the viewing of gifts that have been shared by royalty from around the world.

Gifts are a part of holidays, birthdays, celebrations of various kinds. Gifts are a way of saying “thanks”, “I love you”, and “we appreciate you”.

Gifts don’t have to be expensive. They don’t have to be gold, frankincense, or myrrh. They don’t have to be worthy of being placed into the Museum of National Archives. A gift is a precious acknowledgment to someone with whom you work or play or live. It can be something you write, or create, or buy. It can be a memento, a poem, a book, something of yours that you pass on. But a gift is just that—a gift.

The Webster definition of a gift is: “ something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. 3 : the act, right, or power of giving.”

All of us know how wonderful it is to receive a gift from a friend, a relative, a colleague, a boss—someone who is expressing appreciation or love—or both. You will always cherish that gift. No matter where you move or where you go, that gift will always go with you.

Consider being a gift giver. Remember. Your gift can be a note you write, a card you send, a call you make, a book you love. It isn’t the amount of money you spend on the gift. It isn’t how fancy the wrapping paper. It isn’t anything but the care that goes into the giving. It is in the giving that the receiving is magnified—for both the giver and the receiver.